Thursday 19 May 2016

The Exsultet (My version)

The Exsultet (My version)

Sing! Rejoice O Israel, your Redeemer has ransomed your souls. Give praise to the King for his light guided you out of darkness . For you are a chosen generation and by his grace you have been given salvation .Exult your saviour O Mother Earth for his boundless love and eternal life weeded Heaven and Earth.

For the bondage of sin held you captive and the chains of death forced you to work under a yoke. Satan caused you all this pain but I ,the Lord has come to release you By my resurrection power you have been reborn by the Holy Spirit into God's family. Sin imprisoned you and locked you up, but I ,the key set you free. You are unworthy of my grace but my father loves you so those who serve him are his children .

Glory to God in the highest! Resound the heavens with his praises. For you were lost in the darkness of sin. You are my flock who were stolen from me .Remember , I care for you and that is why my father is willing to give eternal life.

But all he wanted me to write is:

Light shines from the cave as he rises . Illuminating the the world. Jesus has overcome!

Heaven resounds with joy. Zion's King returns! Praise he who enters the gates.

Alleluia to the King of kings who brings peace to all men. Praise him for his boundless love that is shown through his death.

Nifemi 5ML

Friday 11 March 2016

5ML Letters from St Paul

We looked at the letters from St Paul and discussed his teachings and how they could help us during Lent.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Continuing St Paul's Work

Response to St Paul

In 5ML, we have been looking at the writings of St Paul, especially his letters to the Ephesians, Colossians and Corinthians. We wrote a group advice sheet for modern apostles and some questions which we would like to ask St Paul.

Group Advice Sheet for Apostles Today
  • What you do for others is what you do for Jesus
  • Remember the Beatitudes
  • Follow the Bible - it tells you how to live (BIBLE stands for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)
  • Go on pilgrimages
  • Befriend people, even your 'enemies'
  • Live a full life
  • Be humble, gentle and patient

Questions we would like to ask St Paul

  • How many ways can you show love? Candice
  • Who is it that protects us most? Aruna
  • How can our family and friends protect us? Chloe
  • In what situations could you use these qualities? Leon
  • Do we have trust in our lives?
  • How can we rely on people to tell us the truth? Libby
  • Does love sometimes lie? Kasia
  • Why is love the most important one? Piotr

Wednesday 9 March 2016

A Recipe for a Healthy Soul

In 5SP, we looked at St Paul's letters to the Corinthians, the Ephesians and Colossians to discover how they influence how we should live our lives.

Friday 26 February 2016

Turn on the Tap for CAFOD

During Lent, each class will be raising money for CAFOD by collecting small change in a milk bottle and trying to raise the level of water inside. This will help us realise how difficult it is for many people around the world to reach water, which they need to survive.
Don't forget your 1p, 5p, 10p, 20p and £1 coins over the next four weeks!

Year of Mercy

In the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said this year should help people enter the holy doors of Heaven. Mercy was the motivating factor behind all of Saint Vincent de Paul's charitable activities.
The Church is the house where everyone is welcomed.

Lord Jesus Christ who is Mercy himself, we entrust ourselves and our children to your care. We believe in Your love for us and your desire for our healing.
We pray in this Year of Mercy for the return of countless souls in your heart. We embrace our cross with yours knnowing it is there and we will find the love deep enough to heal our wounds.

Josea 2SB

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Prayer House

Our Prayer House is now a central focal point for marking the Year of Mercy. It has its own 'Holy Door', a nook of prayer intentions and a 'Flower of Mercy' display where everyone can share how mercy has been a part of their life. It's open to all members of our school community too!

Monday 1 February 2016

Hebron Lodge Visit

In December, we went to Hebron Lodge to entertain the residents as it was approaching the holy period of Christmas. While performing a range of instrumental pieces, we shared our talents and made everyone happy. Following on from this, we shared the Christmas story and did our part for the Year of Mercy.

Oliver 6HC

Thursday 28 January 2016

2SB Sharing Mercy

We started off by writing some hearts to show how we can be merciful to create a Holy Door into our little Prayer House in the Foundation playground. Next we made some little hearts of how we've been merciful each day and we stick them to our display next to our classroom. Then Miss Baileff taught us how to teach mercy to others around us, the teachers and the school.
Also we started learning about God's Spirit through a song we learnt in music. We have also learnt how Jesus showed himself to be God through his miracles.

Guadalupe 2SB

Wednesday 27 January 2016

The Westminster Schools' Prayer of Mercy

Here's a prayer to share:

Lord Jesus Christ,
You have taught us to be merciful like the Heavenly Father,
and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him.
Show us your face and we will be saved.
We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy;
you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen

Thanks to the Westminster Diocese

Year of Mercy @ Springhill Catholic Primary

At Springhill Catholic Primary School, we are following Pope Francis's call to rediscover God's Mercy in our lives this year. We will be exploring this through our lessons, collective worships, liturgies and how we interact with our friends.

"Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful" Luke 6:36